Transnational Access to
Institute of Marine Research (IMR)
Aquaculture, Environment
Access Manager
Prescilla Perrichon

Services offered
IMR-ARS and -MRS are both certified for land-based operations for numerous marine species including large-scale production tanks, supplied with deep-sea water (160 m), temperature, controlled light or photoperiod, O2/CO2 control, and automatic feeding systems. IMR-ARS is one of Europe’s largest and most advanced research facilities. In keeping with species seasonality, complete life cycles (from embryo to adult stages) are produced for numerous marine fish species. The facilities have been approved for more than 15+ fish species of economic and ecological interest. IMR-ARS will make available the EMBRC facilities, holding a unique and stable broodstock of Atlantic halibut, European plaice and Atlantic cod. The broodstock facility comprises three 8 m diameter tanks (50 000 L) and three 5 m diameter tanks with constant temperature (6-9#) and flows through an open system.
Three experimental buildings are offered to the applicant. The hatchery has sixteen circular 250 L incubators (for halibut embryos in season), nine silos (cylindro-conical tanks) of 8000 L for larval nursing and twelve cylindro-conical 70 L tanks used for embryos and larval incubators for other fish species. Twelve first-feeding tanks of 1500 L and eighteen 500 L tanks are also available. Two racks of twelve circular 50 L tanks are also available for larger experimental design. Silo systems have previously been used and adapted for cultures of Calanus copepods, so the system may be available for other research purposes than larval incubation. Live feed departments (Artemias and natural zooplankton) are also provided to fit the feed requirements of the fish's early stages. At IMR-MRS, 80 tanks with 100 cm diameter equipped with waste feed collectors and video cameras are available. IMR-MRS has a main focus on cultured and wild stocks of salmonids like Atlantic salmon from several Norwegian rivers and cultured rainbow trout.
The experimental facilities and the biological resources available at IMR are excellent for performing experiments in the following research areas: Establishing new fish species for sustainable aquaculture; Optimization of aquaculture technology; Life history traits and fish development and transitions; Hatchery technology and larviculture; Life environmental requirements, Fish nutritional requirement (feed, feeding and digestive physiology); Optimization of feeding and alternative feed sources; Welfare indicators for fish; Disease in farmed and wild fish; Fish behavioural studies; Fish developmental physiology; Fish reproductive physiology; Transcriptomics and bioinformatics. IMR has internationally recognized scientists who will be involved in networking and research activities. This will provide a great supportive and stimulating environment for the applicant.