Transnational Access to
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Aquaculture, Biotech
Access Manager
Inger Jennings, Kjell Inge Reitan

Services offered
NTNU’s special aquaculture competence is related to several biological aspects of fish, zooplankton, and micro-/macroalgae, open-ocean cage systems, environmental impacts of aquaculture, land-based recycling systems (RAS), and hatchery technology and logistics. NTNU SeaLab hosts the research group Taskforce salmon lice, which specialises in research on this commercially significant parasite in salmonids. The research group keeps permanent cultures of two species of sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus elongatus, which can be made available to users conducting research at SeaLab.
NTNU SeaLab offers nine flexible climate-controlled wet labs, as well as two larger climate-controlled wet labs for experiments with fish and a suite of analytical labs. Facilities include:
CODTECH larviculture laboratory # The automated system consists of 16 rearing tanks (100/200L) with optional self-cleaning. It is specially designed for controlled experiments with marine fish larvae and planktonic organisms, with associated infrastructure for the production of live feed organisms (Rotifers, Artemia and copepods) and microalgae. The CODTECH laboratory is suitable for experiments on a wide range of freshwater and marine species. Environmental variables such as temperature and light are controlled electronically and monitored. There are automated systems for feeding live prey and formulated feed.
Laboratory for trophic interactions # NTNU Sealab can offer access to facilities for performing experiments with model species of copepods (Calanus finmarchicus and Acartia tonsa) under controlled environmental conditions for observing the effects of temperature, carbon dioxide and chemical stressors - either individually or in combination.
The National Center for PlanktonTechnology (Plankton lab) offers nine experimental laboratories (each 10 – 30 m2) for plankton experiments (zooplankton and algae), and live prey cultivation.
Micro – and macro-algae laboratories – consist of cultivation units at different volumes (flasks, cylinders of 10-200 L, photobioreactors and tanks designed for the cultivation of macroalgae seedlings. New infrastructure for next-generation cultivation of several macroalgae species for further deployment in the sea. The laboratories enable temperature control, control of light intensity and rhythm, nutrients, and salinity. The labs are equipped with instruments to register spore and gamete cell densities.
Recirculation laboratory (RAS) # The recirculation system (RAS) laboratory consists of three independent recirculation systems each holding six tanks (in total 18 tanks each 380 L), fully equipped for different types of fish experiments in fresh or brackish water with automated systems for controlled feeding and environmental parameters as well as monitoring of selected parameters.
Analytical laboratories (biochemistry and histology) # The analytical laboratories are equipped with basic instrumentation, such as spectrophotometer and spectrofluorometer (both with optional temperature control and microplate reader), GC-MS for lipid analysis, a Coulter counter and an algae incubator. At the histology/morphology laboratory, there are fluorescence and light microscopes with cameras and access to computer-assisted stereological software for making volumetric calculations from histological sections, as well as equipment for tissue embedding, sectioning, staining, and tissue analyses.