Transnational Access to
ULPGC Marine Science & Technology Park (ULPGC)
Access Manager
Rafael Ginés, Daniel Montero
Services offered
The PCTM is a European Excellence Aquaculture Complex (RI). It includes all culture phases (reproduction, larvae, juvenile) for different marine species (fish and molluscs), tanks and cages, and recirculation systems. Transnational Access, offers 3 facilities that have a monitoring system (MIRANDA) to control water flow, temperature, oxygen (including an emergency system), photoperiod, feeders and surveillance cameras with remote access.
In these three installations, biosensor technology, based on the use of the FishBIT datalogger developed in AQUAEXCEL2020 is also available for individual monitoring of physical activity and respiratory frequency in juveniles and adult seabream and seabass, depending on availability.
Warm Water Species Selection Unit (WWSSU) offers 82 tanks of different volumes (0.5, 1 and 2 m3), all of them equipped with automatic control of feeders and photoperiod, and monitoring of water renewal, temperature and oxygen (environmental parameters). In addition, under caudal disruption and air supply failure, oxygen is injected automatically into the main water line or tank. According to level. WWSSU allows genetic experiments - crossbreeding, inbreeding, epigenetic crosses - or selection programs for families of, at least, 48 half-sibs or 96 full-sibs, or more when mass spawning is used. Fish culture is possible from larvae until adults. This installation is complemented by different labs for molecular and quantitative genetics, a morphology lab based on image processing for detecting deformities among physical features, and meat and fish quality analysis.
Marine Bio-Assays Station (MBS) offers three independent RAS units, fully equipped to test up to three different pathogens at the same time in larvae, juveniles or breeders of marine fish. Each RAS unit includes 18 tanks of 0.5 m3, each equipped with an automatic water renewal, oxygen, temperature, pH, and feeding system, all with control and monitoring in real-time. MBS offers three main RAS units completely equipped to challenge separately with up to three different pathogens at the same time, in all phases of the fish life cycle including breeders, larvae and juveniles of marine fish species. In each RAS unit, 6 treatments in triplicate are available. The design of RAS units is versatile, which allows a great amount of testing conditions and assays in vivo with pathogens. It also has a support laboratory in situ, as well as access to the Fish Pathology lab.
Feed Ingredients and Additives Testing Unit (FITU) offers two series of 15 digestibility tanks (0.2 and 0,5 m3), three wet labs with 170 tanks of 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 and 1 m3, and two lines for commercial scale testing, provided with computer controlled automatic, auto-demand or manual feeding and waste feed collectors (feed intake control). Photoperiod control is also available in 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5 m3 tanks. FITU offers an ingredient processing laboratory, a feed production hall, two series of digestibility tanks, and three wet labs to test diets and ingredients for either larvae (including automated start feeding), juveniles or breeders of marine fish species, both commercial or new species for aquaculture. It also has access to a complete nutrition laboratory equipped where all lipids, protein, amino acids, fatty acids, lipid classes, vitamins, pigments, toxins, dioxins, PCBs and certain minerals from ingredients, feeds, live prey, seaweeds, molluscs, fish, turtles and marine mammals are daily analysed.