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Transnational Access to

University of Turin - Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (UNITO)

Water Drops_edited_edited_edited_edited.





Access Manager

Laura Gasco, Ilaria Biasato


Services offered

The UNITO – AQUA allows experimental trials on all the stages of the trout lifecycle, and growth trials using sturgeons.

The facility hosts research teams working on farmed salmonids providing scientific support to visiting scientists. A laboratory equipped with a vacuum machine, a bench colourimeter, a portable pH meter, a refrigerated chamber and -80°C freezer for sampling and storage of chilled and frozen samples is available to perform shelf-life trials.

Research laboratories are also available at DISAFA (Grugliasco – about 25 km from the experimental infrastructure) with analytical equipment for nutrition-related work: proximate, chemical and mineral composition, HPLC, GC, histology and microbiome analyses, flesh quality parameters (texture, TPA and cooking losses) and sensory analyses using untrained panellists and results can be coupled with results of an electronic nose.

The UNITO–INSECTS is a unique experimental facility able to conduct trials using different organic substrates (by-products) to rear both Hermetia illucens and Tenebrio molitor, which are two of the most promising species for aquaculture feeds. Small-scale feeding trials on insect larvae will be performed and the best by-product-based diet will be used to perform a larval mass rearing. The larvae will be processed by external insect companies to obtain a protein-rich meal. The so-obtained insect meal will be assessed for its digestibility and potential to be included in diets for fish.

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