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Transnational Access to

JU Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters (JU)

Water Drops_edited_edited_edited_edited.


Czech Republic


Aquaculture, Data, Food/social

Access Manager

Petr Císař (ICS), Jan Mráz (IAPW), Oleksandr Malinovskyi (IFA), Vojtěch Kašpar (GRC), Veronika Piačková (LIFD)


Services offered

The Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters (FFPW) infrastructure includes 5 installations:

  1. The Institute of Complex Systems (ICS) offers fish/aquatic animal imaging (available in combination with all installations of FFPW or at the user site) followed by data processing. It includes problem analysis, the proposition of the imaging solution and data processing using image processing and CNN processing. The typical tasks are fish appearance analysis, colour (colour changes based on diet), shape (deformities) and patterns (symptoms detection), and hyperspectral analysis. Behaviour analysis – behaviour (movement) of aquatic organisms or objects in the tanks or aquariums. The statistical parameters about the behaviour (speed, space distribution, direction, fish interactions) over time can be produced.

  2. The Institute of Aquaculture and Protection of Waters (IAPW) offers a wide range of analytical services related to fish and feed quality, fish nutrition and early ontogenesis of fish as well as feeding trials, culture of new fish species etc. The innovation of fish product recipes, marketing research, storage conditions, meat yield of specific species and so on are provided. Another key area is the technology of intensive aquaculture and the early ontogeny of economically important or protected species and species of interest to sport fishing.

  3. Intensive Freshwater Aquaculture Units (IFA) offer fish culture under RAS and pond conditions related to larval, juvenile, on-growing, grow-out and broodstock stages, environmental stimulation of gametogenesis and final reproduction in broodstock, fish nutrition and feeding, optimization of fish husbandry, optimization of cultured conditions during all phases. Laboratories can assess the effects of xenobiotics on biochemical, chemical, haematological indices and histopathology in fish and crustaceans. Service/support of this installation will observe changes in the tissues of fish and crayfish exposed to tested substances on the gene expression level and thus help us assess possible negative effects of these substances on the exposed organisms.

  4. The Laboratory of Fish Genetics and Reproduction and Hatchery (GRC) is focused on reproduction-related experiments - broodstock management and the preparation for semi-artificial or induced reproduction, work with fish gametes, the study of fish sperm motility, cryopreservation of fish gametes, flow-cytometry, optical microscopy, image analysis, micromanipulations, genetic analyses (sequencing, fragment analysis, semiconductor sequencing).

  5. The Laboratory of Infectious Fish Diseases (LIFD) is focused on dealing with fish infectious pathogens, and the realisation of experimental infections and laboratory analysis related to this (PCR diagnostics, virus and bacteria cultivation etc.). It is also possible to use pathogen-free breeds and hybrids of common carp kept in the facility.

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