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Virtual Access to

Institut Jozef Stefan (JSI)

Water Drops_edited_edited_edited_edited.



Liaison officer

Nives Ogrinc



Biotech, Data, Food/social

Services offered

A web-based tool for the maintenance of a national food composition database that is a valuable resource for a variety of users was developed. The tool enables a compilation of food composition data (FCD) considering European standards, such as EuroFIR, FoodEx2, Dunford etc. Missing FCD can be easily borrowed from the food composition datasets compiled by other countries and this procedure is transparent providing the information about the source, linked food groups, specific components and food items. The tool also supports the maintenance of branded foods, enabling the calculation of food composition data for the nutrients not listed on the branded food's nutrition declaration taking into account its ingredients.

A laboratory or a food producer can submit their analytical values directly to the system. Moreover, national recipes can be entered and their energy and nutrient values can be easily calculated considering the information about the ingredients and the cooking methods used (using retention and yield factors). The tool's user interface can be easily translated into any language and the underlying food composition databases and thesauri can be adapted to the needs of the country. As the tool is aimed to maintain as complete information related to food composition as possible, it also enables the maintenance of daily reference values for the energy and nutrients (and non-nutrients) defined for various population groups. The tool is connected via an API with a mobile app which enables collecting food-related information using the crowdsourcing approach. Similarly, the tool can be linked to any information system (e.g., GS1 GDSN) via API.

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